How to Book has been advertising holiday properties for independent cottage owners and holiday providers since 2001.

This website does not act as an agent. (We hope in due coarse to offer an agency service.) You will be booking directly with the advertiser. Where the advertiser has their own website we provide a link. Alternatively those without a website will be happy to take a booking by phone or email. They will then provide the information on how you pay a deposits etc. You can see how long an owner has advertised with us on each page – for example ‘Started 2006’.

(St Ives has a long tradition of holiday properties being managed directly by their owners going back to the 19th Century.)

You have two options for booking your holiday.

1. Call any advertiser directly using the contact details on our website or their own website. Advertisers are always happy to take your booking by telephone.

2. Alternatively, visit their website to book online and where provided pay with a credit or debit card. Some properties you make an online reservation and then pay by internet bank transfer.

We establish relationships with our advertisers so we are happy to receive a Text Message: on +44 7580 211528 or Email: info @ stives if you have any questions or queries regarding a property advertised by one of our owners. We will respond with a Call/Text or by Email as quickly as possible.

Chycor Limited is based in Redruth Cornwall and has been providing online advertising for self-catering accommodation since 1996.
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